The Only Way to See the Grand Canyon

by Ken Ham on December 26, 2008

Our family has been thrilled to have my youngest brother Stephen (almost 20 years younger than me), his wife Trish, and children Sarah and David over from Down Under for Christmas. We have not often had family from Australia for Christmas in the last 22 years since we moved to the USA.

image002.jpgBefore joining us in Kentucky, Stephen and his family toured the Grand Canyon and Zion Canyon. While at the Grand Canyon, Stephen used the creationist Grand Canyon guide (Your Guide to the Grand Canyon: A Different Perspective) published by Master Books to teach his family the truth about the Canyon from a biblical and scientific perspective. This is the only way to see the Grand Canyon.

Below is a photograph of Stephen and David at the Canyon with the guide book! As you may know from the news, the last couple of weeks have not been the best time to visit the Canyon (with blizzards, lots of snow, etc.); nonetheless, their planned trip went ahead and they certainly enjoyed their time.


If you have never obtained this fairly new resource on the Grand Canyon, I urge you to do so from the AiG online store.

I have also included three more photographs taken recently:

p1030252.JPG Mally and I with Trish, David, and Sarah in San Diego (at Seaport Village)

p1030502.JPGp1030544.JPG Two photos taken at beautiful Zion Canyon in southern Utah


3000 people crammed into the Creation Museum on Christmas Eve on a very rainy day, for the special FREE day AiG offered to the community. Praise the Lord so many were able to attend.

I do trust you had a blessed Christmas. Let’s all pray for the New Year-—moral and economic issues will no doubt be headline news. We need to pray for this nation.


A sore destruction
(Micah 2:10) Arise ye, and depart; for this is not your rest: because it is polluted, it shall destroy you, even with a sore destruction.

We anticipate leaving this alluring, sensual world & we try to bring others with us as we know that to settle down now to enjoy & partake is to become destroyed.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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