Happy Incarnation Day

by Ken Ham on December 21, 2008

One of AiG’s talented staff is cartoonist Dan Lietha. Dan does the “After Eden” cartoons on the AiG website, as well as other cartoons, including for our newsletters, etc. I thought it would be good to bring to your notice the special animated cartoon Dan did for this Christmas.

If you don’t get this great tool (including Dan’s weekly After Eden cartoons), I encourage you to sign up for it.


It looks like a Roman invasion at the Creation Museum’s Live Nativity and Road to Bethlehem program! Tonight, Mally and I (and well over 1000 others) visited this special outreach of the Creation Museum. We had our photograph taken with a Roman soldier:


The Live Nativity and Road to Bethlehem will also be featured this coming Monday and Tuesday evenings from 6pm – 8pm as a lead up to Christmas. To find out other dates this program will be featured, go to the Creation Museum website.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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