We Pray for You Every Day

by Ken Ham on December 20, 2008

I received a very touching letter this past week from an eight year old girl in India. I met her father during my trip to India a few months ago. He wrote to me:

It was good to meet with you in Hyderabad, and I want to thank AiG for their kind donation of Books and DVD towards our resource centre. My eight years old daughter was excited to get your books especially she enjoyed the DVD which you have done with buddy Davis. She enjoys Buddy Davis and ever since she saw that video she started sharing the DVD with her friends and even with any children comes to our home she makes it a point o show them. She was so excited after watching the DVD she said, I must call Uncle Ken Ham, but we didn’t want to bother you, so she wrote this note to you which I enclosed along with this letter.
Very recently we had some of our non Christian friends and also our nominal Christian relatives with us at our centre. She pulled out “The Last Adam” DVD and asked them “Uncle would you like to see this video, its short but very good”, they couldn’t turn down the request. She was deeply touched by this particular video on the Lords finished work on the Cross of Calvary.
My wife and I thank the Lord for you and the vision and the ministry He has given you, we do want to let you know that we do pray for you every day.

He enclosed the letter from his daughter which I have scanned in for you:


Very soon we will receive the masters of the DVD’s for our Indian translations. I spoke six times in India as part of our worldwide ministry so that each program could be videotaped and translated into Hindi and Talagu. I will let you know as soon as they are available.


Mally and I and some of our family spent time walking around the Creation Museum gardens enjoying the phenomenal Christmas light display, the live Nativity, and other events last night. There were great crowds—sometimes the walkways were quite crowded. People came from all across the USA to visit the Creation Museum yesterday.

Here are some photos taken of the Christmas lights.

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(Luke 5:20) And when he saw their faith, he said unto him, Man, thy sins are forgiven thee.

We dwell by the Cross remembering how desperate we were for the Lord to die for our sins so He could be just when He said to us that our sins were forgiven.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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