Blasted by Director of Religulous

by Ken Ham on October 15, 2008

You may recall my recent blog item about the vulgar and blasphemous movie Religulous, featuring (R-rated) comedian Bill Maher. Bill Maher used his “documentary” as a tirade against Christianity (as well as toward Muslims, Jews, and others) ranting with all sorts of ridiculous statements. Many websites and other news sources have written articles on the deceptive tactics used by Bill Maher and his group to obtain interviews, such as the lies and deceptive techniques used at the Creation Museum.

The very well trafficked website (in the top 5,000 websites worldwide) reported on the Religulous documentary and the tactics of Bill Maher. They quote the Director (Larry Charles, who deceptively introduced himself at the Creation Museum as Larry Carlson) as saying:

Asked to comment on the idea that they tricked the Creation Museum into cooperating, the director, Larry Charles, sent me [the BeliefNet editor] this statement via email:
“Ken Ham is a media [expletive deleted]. He has cultivated all sorts of media outlets to promote his agenda. Why should he be allowed to get off the hook? Why shouldn’t he be asked some tough questions? He has built this quasi-museum to quasi-science, isn’t there a journalistic obligation to scrutinize this?
He has gotten a free ride from the media. He is a dangerous man. We don’t even know where the money comes from to build that $30 million museum. If Mike Wallace had grilled him for ‘60 Minutes’, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Just because someone doesn’t want to talk to us, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be talked to.”
Well, for God haters like these people, one shouldn’t be surprised at such tactics—as states:
The ends, in other words, justify the means.
You can read the entire article at:

Actually, one is not surprised at the tactics of the world—or the name calling and false accusations. Not only are we used to that, but we should expect it, as the Bible clearly teaches. It’s when people calling themselves “Christians” accuse us falsely that is truly distressing.

The Biggest Guy in the Building

I admit that I don’t know too much about American football (now, Australian football rules I can discuss!), but I’m told that Monday’s guest at our Creation Museum is one of the greatest football players ever: Anthony Muñoz (who is in the Football Hall of Fame). I understand that he was an offensive tackle and played for 12 years with the Cincinnati Bengals (my son Jeremy is a huge fan of the team; although for this year, that’s hard to admit—the team is not playing well).

Anthony is a big guy and towered over me—he’s about six feet six inches tall, but really a “gentle giant.” He played in two Super Bowls (numbers XVI and XXIII), barely losing out to the great San Francisco 49ers teams. Here is what else I learned about Anthony: he was an 11-time Pro Bowler (i.e., All Star). He was named to the National Football League “75th Anniversary All-Time Team.” Also, if you watch the famous film The Right Stuff (it won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 1983), you’ll see him as a character called “Gonzalez.”

His wife, DeDe, accompanied him to the museum. She said that God’s Spirit was clearly inside this place. Both of them have high-profile Christian testimonies in this tri-state region and share their testimonies in many venues. They chose to live here after his career was over in the ‘90s and not move back to the hectic lifestyle of Southern California.

In 2002, they started the Anthony Muñoz Foundation to “impact area youth mentally, physically and spiritually.” See photos from his playing days and bio—plus info on his foundation—at this website:

In the photo, Joe Boone of our staff is at the right chatting with the Muñozes inside the museum’s main hall, and a business manager of MuñozBrandz (Matt) is on the far left.


Photographic Record of Yesterday’s Festivities at the Creation Museum

All sorts of different happenings to excite young and old at the Creation Museum this month are a real hit. Here are some photographs:

1. Hay Ride


2. Woody, the potbellied pig


3. Kadar the magnificent


4. Painting pumpkins


5. Cookie painting


6. Apple bobbing


7. Apple eating contest




(1 Kings 13:21) And he cried unto the man of God that came from Judah, saying, Thus saith the LORD, Forasmuch as thou hast disobeyed the mouth of the LORD, and hast not kept the commandment which the LORD thy God commanded thee . . .

Faithfulness to the Lord Jesus Christ is not assessed by how well we start or continue in trusting & obeying Him; faithfulness is determined by how well we finish.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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