Fantastic New “Dynamation” for Kids

by Ken Ham on September 24, 2008

One of my favorite websites for kids (other than AiG’s own Kids Answers site, of course) is a site called “Kids4Truth.”

I encourage you to connect your kids to this website. We personally know the people behind this site, and they are good friends of AiG and ardent biblical creationists.

In particular, I love the “dynamations” they produce. My two favorites are “The Watchmaker” and the new one “Contact.”

I encourage you to view these dynamations and book mark this site. Go to:, and from the menu on the right, click on “Multimedia Dynamations” ( The first dynamation listed is “Contact.” Scroll down to the fourth one, and you will find “The Watchmaker.”

I would encourage you to view them both (with your kids). Then spend time going through the rest of this great site.

Incidentally, we are using “The Watchmaker” and “Contact” in some of our children’s programs at the Creation Museum.

At AiG, we don’t just want to point you to our resources, but also other great resources you can use to help spread the creation/gospel message, defend the Christian faith, and stand on the authority of God’s Word in today’s age.

Lego Has People and Dinosaurs Together?

A supporter of AiG brought to our attention that the famous toy producer Lego is selling a Lego set that has dinosaurs and people together. Now, Lego has what they have portrayed as cavemen and dinosaurs together.

By the way—we do believe in cavemen—cavemen are people who lived (or live today) in caves! The Bible has a number of references to people living in caves: David lived in a cave at times; People living in caves were mentioned in the book of Job, e.g.

I’m sure the Lego people are not intentionally promoting a biblical worldview—but I had to smile when I saw this Lego set with people and dinosaurs together. The evolutionists must grind their teeth when they see this. Have a look for yourself at:

Our AiG supporter who sent us this information wrote a blog item on his personal blog about this:


Speak to us before speaking through us

(2 Samuel 23:2–4) The Spirit of the LORD spake by me, and his word was in my tongue. The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me…And he shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds.

Our time must be daily reserved for Him and our attention fixed to the Lord Jesus Christ for us to hear Him first speak to us before He will speak through us.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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