Media and More Media

by Ken Ham on July 6, 2008

From time to time we let you know of the Christian and secular media who drop by AiG and the Creation Museum—or contact us by phone or email. Because media representatives visit almost every week (and sometimes every day of the week—often more than one media person per day), I have not included all the visits on this blog. However, I thought it was time to give you a small sample of recent media visits so you get the idea of what has become for us a regular occurrence.

Last week, the “morning drive” host of The Morning Cruise with Suz on Christian stations in Bowling Green (90.7 FM) and Owensboro (91.7 FM), KY visited. Susan (“Suz”) Woodard interviewed Mark Looy and me inside the main hall of the museum. Her stations carry our Answers radio programs. She and her husband, Rex, spent the afternoon touring the museum, and she described it to her listeners as “amazing.”


Earlier that day, I arrived at the museum before 8am to be interviewed by producers of a Christian TV show for children and it was on the theme of Noah's Ark and Flood. The video team wanted to interview me in our museum’s Ark “construction-site” room before the crowds arrived. Then later in the day, we received a request to appear on a secular radio station in NW Arkansas to talk about the Branson, Missouri, conference AiG is holding (Branson is within the listening area of this station). For more on this national conference (we have 1800 people registered, but a few hundred seats are still available) go to and begin your plans to join us.

Also that same day, Sweden’s leading morning newspaper Dagens Nyheter (daily news) printed a lengthy article with photos about the museum. See the electronic version—posted the evening before—at

We have yet to get it properly translated, although a very rough Google translation can be obtained, with some unusual and wrong translations (e.g., the museum is not within 90 miles of 2/3 of the US population!). If you read and write Swedish, please consider translating it accurately for us and sending it through Answers WorldWide. We are grateful for the continued international coverage we are receiving (the previous week, a TV crew working on a BBC-TV documentary was here to tour the museum and interview—for two hours!—Dr. Jason Lisle, our astrophysicist and planetarium director.

Then yesterday, one of our regional newspapers in Indiana did a travel story on the museum. You can read Richmond, Indiana’s “The Palladium Item” news article (written by a local historian) at the link below. It begins:

With the rising cost of gasoline, it may be wise to look to closer attractions for summer vacations. A favorite area for my family is in the Cincinnati and northern Kentucky area. In August 2007, a new attraction called the Creation Museum opened in Petersburg, Ky. It is located at Exit 11 of I-275, which is on the west side of Cincinnati. The 65,000-square-foot museum brings the pages of the Bible to life. Its purpose is to present the story of creation from both a scientific and religious perspective.
Early beginnings
Ken Ham, a native of Australia, has been interested in presenting the story of creation for many years. Ham earned a bachelor's degree in applied science (with an emphasis in environmental biology) from the Queensland Institute of Technology and a diploma of education at the University of Queensland in Brisbane. Upon graduation, he began teaching science in Australia's public schools.
Read the rest of this well-written article (that is a little different to others in that it goes into some of my personal history) at:


Ken Long, Associate Pastor at Grace Fellowship Church in Florence, Kentucky—one of the most supportive churches in our region—spoke to the AiG staff this week. He was a professional engineer with a Masters Degree from MIT, who gave up his engineering career to enter the ministry. Ken shared his testimony with the AiG staff. All through his college years he was a non-Christian, until someone presented the gospel to him. He continued to research Christianity reading apologetics books, and eventually committed his life to the Lord. His wife works in guest relations at AiG, and his son is interning at AiG this summer in the IT and AV departments (he is an engineering student at Cedarville U.). I have included a photograph of Ken as he spoke to the staff. p7036538.jpg


It was with great happiness yet sadness that we said goodbye to staff member Beth Levering. We are very sad to see such a valuable staff member leave her full time job, but thrilled that she is leaving to be a full-time mother. At her special cake and ice-cream party at AiG this past Thursday, I presented Beth with a Genesis of the Legacy parenting curriculum (available through AiG). We of course will see Beth from time to time as she comes back to visit—she has many friends at AiG—and of course loves the AiG ministry. I have included some photographs of this event.


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