Dragon to Invade Bookstore

by Ken Ham on July 5, 2008

AiG sculptors have been working on a new dragon that will soon “invade” the Dragon Hall bookstore inside our Creation Museum.

I have included three photographs of the Dragon and sculptor Jessie Pie as he works on what we believe will become a centerpiece of the bookstore. As we often say at the Creation Museum, things continue to “evolve”!



Last weekend we were honored by a visit from our publicist, Larry Ross, of Dallas, Texas, as well as his father Arthur from the Chicago area (a retired professor of New Testament at Wheaton College). Larry's organization has been instrumental in getting us a lot of national publicity for the Creation Museum. For example, just before the museum opened about 13 months ago, ABC-TV's Good Morning America did a live broadcast remote inside the museum, plus we were on FOX-TV's The O'Reilly Factor, CNN's The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer, etc. Larry and his staff know the producers of many of these programs and they were able to get us booked.

Later that day, Larry wrote to us:

THANK YOU for your generosity in hosting my father and me and the incredible hospitality provided by your outstanding team.
First, I love what you've done to the place since my last visit - the outdoors grounds are superb, and the finish-out on original and new exhibits (like the Dino Den) are impressive.
Most important, every staff person with whom we came in contact -- from front security to the ice cream gal as we left -- were friendly, courteous, gracious and pro-active as professional representatives of the ministry and personal reflection of Christ.
My father, who is a career Bible scholar, was stunned by the presentation - especially the way in which you so consistently presented a biblical worldview and brought everything back to a Gospel witness.
BTW, I was encouraged that in my walk back to get the car ... I counted 15 different states represented by the first two dozen cars on either side of the parking aisle -- amazing confirmation that the Museum remains a national destination.
Every blessing to you and your team as you faithfully proclaim His Word and the answers to life and living found therein.
Here are photos of the two Ross's during their visit, taken at our Foto FX booth.



A supporter wrote this week:

Hi--Just wanted to share with you my recent experience reading the latest issue of Answers Magazine] on the public bus coming home from work. A gentleman observed me reading the magazine and inquired whether that publication had anything to do with "intelligent design". I replied that yes, it does. I gave him the cover sheet that came with the magazine and pointed him to the website for more information. As I turned the page I uncovered the Kids Answers, and I asked the gentleman about his family. He has four children with the youngest being age 6. I asked him if he would like to have the Kids Answers for his six year old, and he very happily received it.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for {% get_urls 10271 alt="praying " %} Ken

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