Taking the Creation Museum to a Hospital Patient

by Ken Ham on June 30, 2008

Early this May, Heidi Buck sent Answers in Genesis an email to both thank the ministry for its impact on their family and to send us a very special request. Joshua, her son, had sustained burns at age five and was now in need of corrective surgery (at age 11). Heidi (mom) and he made plans to travel from their home in Florida to Cincinnati’s Shriners Burn Hospital for some corrective burn surgery at the beginning of June.

In her email, Heidi expressed how much Joshua loves science and dinosaurs and wanted to know if the museum would be able to provide a visit for him before going back home. Everything was in place for a visit; however, due to certain circumstances they were unable to visit during their time in Cincinnati. So, we figured if we couldn’t bring Joshua to the Creation Museum, maybe we could do the next best thing: bringing the museum to Joshua. The Creation Museum put together an exciting gift bag, including the Creation Museum DVD set and Photographic Walkthrough, as well as some great children’s science activities. The gifts were then hand-delivered to the hospital by Flynn H., one of our own Guest Services staff, the day of the Bucks’ departure back home.

Flynn told us:

Joshua was very excited to see all the biblical and creation resources. Even though they couldn’t visit the museum, I’m glad we could bring a little of the museum and God’s truth and love to them as an encouragement to Joshua after going through such a big surgery. As I spoke to Joshua, it really helped me remember how much this next generation needs the truth of God’s Word from the very first verse and how much this world wants to keep the truth from them. It’s my prayer that this opportunity to encourage the Buck family will bear much fruit in the days ahead.
I praise the Lord for dedicated staff who will do what all they can to ensure someone doesn’t miss out on the vital message of AiG.


Recently, we sent out a letter explaining that we had a matching gift opportunity to enable us to build around a 700 seat auditorium at the Creation Museum so our speakers can give more presentations to reach more people with the messages the Lord has raised AiG up to give around the world. One of our supporters wrote:

Greetings, I praise the Lord when we received the great number of good news and reports on the museum. It is our prayers that the number of attendees will continue to rise.

Thank you for your recent newsletter in which you informed us of the critical need of an auditorium inside the Creation Museum and expressed the need of raising $500,000 for this project. Our family DOES recognize the good work that AIG has been carrying out in advancing the Kingdom of God throughout the U.S. and beyond; therefore, we are very much in support in all that you do. By God’s grace, we had met our pledge for the museum two years earlier than we anticipated, and HE had blessed us even more and enabled us to give extra prior to the Grand Opening of the Museum.

We are often reminded of Malachi 3:10 “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.” One can NEVER out give our Lord God. Of course, truly in our heart it is not because we want more of His blessings that we support ministries like AIG. I would like to let you know that we will support the funding of this Auditorium Project. We are just waiting for that promised tax “Rebate” from the U.S. government. I intended to invest them all in the Kingdom of God.
Here, I would like to encourage all the AIG supporters consider doing the same, particularly those who wanted to but financially had not been able to contribute; here is a great opportunity for them to join the team! (Further, it is tax deductible; it is a double-edged sword) I am checking the mailbox daily for these “rebates,” but it has not come yet…….

Many blessings to all of you at AIG who work so diligently for the Lord, may HE bless you and always be with all that you do. You and your ministry are often lifted up in our prayers.”

If you are interested in finding out more about this matching gift opportunity, then you can go to the relevant section on AiG’s website.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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