Answers Magazine Receives Awards

by Ken Ham on May 12, 2008

Last week, the Evangelical Press Association—meeting in Portland, Oregon—gave out their annual industry awards for all periodicals (magazines, newsletters, websites)—any communication method not including radio or TV.

At the time AiG had to submit samples for consideration of the awards, Answers magazine had only produced six issues—Answers is a very new magazine—and AiG (2 years ago) had not at the time even been planning on how to produce such a magazine (we had only contemplated some sort of magazine some time in the future). So, it is a phenomenal achievement, that the magazine team put together so quickly about two years ago, after only producing six issues, is already winning awards. The submission for consideration included issues 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4.

These awards included:

  • Third Place for Publication Design—awarded to Dan Stelzer, Tommy Moore, and Brandie Lucas (part of AiG’s Graphic Design team, for the “Biblical Authority” (2.4) issue.
  • Fifth Place in the Typography and Lettering category for “A Catastrophic Breakup”—awarded to Dan Stelzer.
  • Apparently AiG received one other award, which I should find out about today and will include in another blog.
I recently wrote a blog item on other awards AiG has received.

We are thrilled that the emphasis on excellence (as there should be for the Lord’s work) continues to bring awards to AiG. This also helps in getting the name of AiG/Creation Museum well known in the Christian and secular worlds. I can’t wait to see what happens as Answers magazine continues to increase in quality as our staff become more experienced at producing this uniquely powerful publication for today’s world!

Answers magazine is climbing towards 70,000 subscriptions. If you haven’t subscribed to this world-leading Christian publication (which is for the whole family—a creation worldview magazine), then I encourage you (urge you) to do so. There is no other publication like this in the world. Subscribe through AiG’s website. You can subscribe no matter what country you live in.

You can also purchase back issues of Answers from AiG’s website.

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We arrived back from Ireland and Northern Ireland yesterday—tired, but encouraged. I couldn’t begin to tell you the thrilling testimonies we heard from people who attended the conference in Belfast (I hope to have some photos for tomorrow’s blog).

One young couple was so moved by the talks, that when they heard how the BBC interviewer kept accusing me of being in the ministry for financial reasons (see previous blog), they called a radio personality from another major radio station and pleaded for him to do a REAL interview with me.

So, after I finished speaking on Saturday night (around 9 p.m.—after I dragged myself away from all the people wanting to talk to me—and yet another reporter), and while Dr. David Menton presented the last lecture, I was taken to a radio station where I was interviewed for a segment to be played on a very popular program on Sunday morning that reaches many non-Christians as well as Christians. Yes—it was a real interview (not an agenda-driven, interrogation attack like the BBC interviewer).

Also, after I finished speaking on Saturday night, a reporter from the Telegraph newspaper came and said he was assigned to report on the conference, and he needed to ask me a number of questions. Busy night!!

After we finished in Belfast, we then drove to Dublin, arriving after midnight, to finally get to bed about 1 a.m.—then arose early in the morning to fly back to the USA!!!


I thought (as a proud Grandfather) I would include a copy of a photograph of our fourth grandchild (Kylie) taken last week—and, of course, she is being trained in biblical creation!



Better to follow God

(Num 15:39) ye seek not after your own heart and your own eyes, after which ye use to go a whoring:

(Jer 17:9) The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Self occupation, introspection, looking within yourself for direction in life, and following your heart lead to deception & departure from God, better to follow God.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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