Happy Birthday, Mum

by Ken Ham on February 18, 2008

A special blog today dedicated to my Mum in Australia.

Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God has commanded you, that your days may be long, and that it may be well with you in the land which the LORD your God is giving you. (Deuteronomy 5:16)
My mother turns 80 today (February 18). I praise the Lord for my Godly Mum who, together with my Godly Dad (who is in Heaven) brought me up to love the Lord, His Word, and uphold the authority of the Word and defend the Christian faith.

Many of the nearly 320,000 who have visited the Creation Museum have seen the exhibit in the wall of the chapel outside the Last Adam Theatre that honors my Mum and Dad for the Godly training that led to the founding of the creation ministry in our home in Australia around 30 years ago, to the founding of Answers in Genesis, and to the building of the Creation Museum that has received news headlines around the world and daily ministers to children, teens, and adults with the message of the saving gospel. ark-parents.jpg

I praise the Lord for a Godly Mum who spends time (sometimes hours) each day praying for her children and others. I am so thankful she has prayed for me for over 56 years. I praise the Lord for a Mum who, with my Dad and while living in country areas of Queensland that had little or no Christian witness, many years ago started Sunday Schools and organized mission programs to reach children (and adults) with the gospel. I praise the Lord for a Mum who stood with my Dad and supported him 100 percent. I praise the Lord for a Godly Mum who, when others have not been prepared to stand as they should have on the principles clearly based on the authority of God’s Word or have been more fearful of what their friends would think or say, has stood firm (and vocal) as a witness to her children and others to hold the standard of biblical authority high! I praise the Lord for a Mum who supported Mally and me when we stepped out in faith to begin the Creation ministry—and when we moved to the USA for the ministry the Lord has called us to. I know she has missed seeing our children and grandchildren (her grandchildren and great grandchildren) growing up—as they have missed her, living nearly 10,000 miles apart.

When we were in Australia for Christmas, knowing we wouldn’t be able to be with her for her actual birthday, the family organized a special pre-80th birthday party. I have enclosed a photograph of my Mum cutting her cake—and one of my Mum with my brothers Stephen and David, my sisters Rosemary and Beverly, and me. The only one missing is my younger brother Robert, who passed away a few years ago and is with the Lord in glory.


Happy birthday Mum—sorry I can’t be there with you today, but your legacy in your children and in the Creation Museum and Answers in Genesis ministry is being used by the Lord to reach millions with the gospel. We trust you received the flowers we sent! Love from all of us in Kentucky.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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