Snow or Ice Didn’t Stop Darwin’s Plantation

by Ken Ham on February 14, 2008

Wednesday was a special day at the Creation Museum—Dr. Charles Ware, President of Crossroads Bible College in Indianapolis, and I gave presentations based on the new book we both authored entitled Darwin’s Plantation.

This book deals with racism, the origin of the so-called “races,” diversity in the church, “interracial” marriage, skin color, etc, and it replaces and extensively updates the old One Blood book.

The new book has proved to be popular, and the publisher told me recently that they will have to go to a second printing very soon.

Crowds at the museum were somewhat low yesterday due to an ice/snow storm on Tuesday. Many schools and other places were closed. However, a number of people still braved the less-than-desirable road conditions to attend the lectures and visit the museum.

Dr. Ware and I will present again on Thursday. I have enclosed some photographs of Dr. Ware and myself from the Wednesday program.

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Both Dr. Ware and I have had a number of media interviews concerning the publication of Darwin’s Plantation, and it is now in many Christian bookstores across the nation—and selling very well on You can obtain a copy of this book from AiG’s Online bookstore.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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