Made Me a Better Teacher

by Ken Ham on February 2, 2008

There are more teachers in the USA who understand the truth concerning origins and who are able to teach students to think critically on this issue than many people realize. We do get many testimonies from teachers—this one came in during the week:

I am a lifetime member of the Museum … a longtime supporter of the ministry, holder of a master's degree … a National Board Certified… science teacher of 17 years’ experience. The things I have read over the years from AIG and ICR have made me a better, more informed teacher, of both science and critical thinking. I have not used this information to push a certain religion within the public school system (unlike what is done by humanists), but rather only to teach in an open and ethical manner. The writing on the site is excellent. I am prompted to comment today by the excellent feedback response given by Georgia Purdom today (Feb 1, 2008). I remain surprised that it would be necessary to make the same points that have been made numerous times on this site (and yet to be rebutted). However, please express to Dr. Purdom that I think her answer was especially well written. I hope God might give me opportunity some day to show other Christian teachers how to successfully educate themselves and to teach more effectively and ethically while obeying the laws of our nation as they stand.

I agree! Every child does need to visit the Creation Museum (near Cincinnati), as a Museum visitor wrote this week:

My husband & I stopped by the Creation Museum in October. What an experience! We were both thrilled with the professionalism and attendance at the museum. In early December my husband went back to it again with my brother from Michigan. We've encouraged my brother to get his grandchildren to visit and I know his daughter is starting to plan for that. It would be wonderful if every child in America could visit the museum … It was SO worth the trip! Anyway, glad you could help them out. The whole place seems to be a concerted effort truly blessed by the Holy Spirit.

As of the end of January, AiG has received email requests for information from 99 countries—the latest being emails from Iraq and Venezuela. Praise the Lord for the influence of AiG around the world.


This time next week, Mally and I will be in San Diego for an Answers in Genesis conference at Maranatha Chapel. Carl Kerby and I will be the featured speakers for the conference Sunday evening and Monday evening (with special presentations for elementary/middle and highschoolers during the day Monday). I will also be speaking at the three church services of Marantha Chapel Saturday evening and Sunday morning. You can find all the details at

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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