The New Answers Book and Changed Lives

by Ken Ham on January 26, 2008

AiG’s biggest selling book is The New Answers Book. People want answers to the skeptical questions of the age--and The New Answers Book gives answers to the most-asked questions on creation/evolution and Genesis.

Here is an exciting testimony in regard to the effect of this Answers Book on two lives--which once again undergirds the importance of the written materials AiG disseminates to spread information that upholds the authority of God's Word and proclaims the gospel:

I wanted to write and thank you so much for the ministry of AIG. My husband was not a Christian and I prayed for his salvation for over 8 years . He decided one day he would prove me wrong and was going to read the Bible to show me there was no way it could be true. He found your book "The Answers Book" and it changed his life. He admitted the Bible was true, became a Christian and was baptised 2 years later. But the story doesn't end there. His sister was visiting once and asked him a few questions, so out came your book, she took it home with her and she too was saved and was baptised last summer. I thank God for your ministry! Thank you !! (Maine)

If you don't have a copy of The New Answers Book, you can order from the AiG online bookstore.


Saturday is the start of two California “adventures” as I speak in Lancaster (north of Los Angeles) this weekend and Monday, and then in San Diego next month.

It will also be a time to have a break from the winter weather in Northern Kentucky! It was around zero degrees Fahrenheit on Friday morning!! So California, here we come!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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