A Special AiG Anniversary—“My Voice . . . and Our Story”

by Ken Ham on December 27, 2007

Although Answers in Genesis in the United States launched its first newsletter, held its first teaching meeting, etc. in early 1994, our official birth date is actually December 27, 1993 when we filed our papers with the U.S. government. Today, therefore, marks the 14th anniversary of a ministry that God has been blessing mightily (and not just with the wonderful attendance at our new Creation Museum).

One of our supporters, who has been following us for all of these 14 years, approached one of our staff members at a high school basketball game here in northern Kentucky. Ron C. recounted how he was just so encouraged to see how AiG, from its humble origins in a small strip mall in Florence, Kentucky, just a few miles from where he lived, had grown to a staff of more than 275 people—and with an international outreach.

Ron loves the Creation Museum; he has been absolutely overwhelmed by the museum experience he’s had. When he spoke to us, he used words that had deep, personal meaning for him: “my voice,” “our story,” and finally “better.” We asked what he meant by those terms and phrases.

Ron said that the museum was “his voice” because it shares what he truly and fully believes as a Christian, and what he also seeks to communicate to others.

“Our story?” Well, he said that the museum shares truths from all of the Bible—from Genesis, to the four gospels, and to Revelation—and that here at the museum, the “Christian story” was all under one roof. Of course, he doesn’t mean that the Bible is just a collection of stories like legends and fables, but that the Bible as a whole is the true story of history—plus offering the meaning and purpose in life. By the word “better,” he said that every aspect of the museum—from even the quality of the restrooms, he noted—was “better” than he ever expected, and better than what he has seen at major secular museums.

Ron, thanks for those kind words—and for your support over the years. You know, sometimes others can summarize what we do here better than we could do it ourselves!

If you’ve never been to the Creation Museum, may I suggest a New Year’s resolution? Bring your family here and share with them the true history of the world—the full landscape of the Bible—and have them be exposed to the gospel message. Not only do we think you will be encouraged by your visit, but you could strengthen the faith of Christians that you bring. In fact, discover “your Christian story” right here at the museum!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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