Answers for a German Soldier

by Ken Ham on December 9, 2007

For every testimony we receive as to how the Lord is using AiG around the world to reach people with the gospel, I often wonder how many more such testimonies are out there we don't even get to hear about. Actually, when I travel to an area, on most occasions I hear phenomenal testimonies of how God has used the AiG ministry to reach people—but I would never have heard these testimonies had I not been there.

Here is one that shows how just ONE magazine in the hands of ONE dedicated Christian can have the potential of changing a life for eternity.

I am currently stationed in Kosovo with the National Guard. My wife recently sent me the latest copy of Answers. I had a German soldier in my room and we were discussing religion because he saw the magazine. We began talking about Christ and of course the evolution question came up. I went back to Genesis and explained the Gospel from the beginning. I was amazed when this man actually stated, 'My view of the world is shaking right now." He was physically trembling when I went to John 20 and talked about Thomas' doubts and how Christ gave proof but it was still Thomas that had to believe. He promised to go and pray for understanding about Christ and the Bible. Please pray for [this German soldier] and thank God for this opportunity to reach others with the Truth of the Bible because of Answers magazine.

Answers magazine is not only a great equipping tool—it is also a great witnessing tool. If you don't subscribe—I urge you to do this. And why not consider gift subscriptions for friends and loved ones this Christmas? It is an exciting and powerful way to witness and/or equip.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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