Special Museum Visitor

by Ken Ham on December 7, 2007

We were honored by a visit from Wendy Wright last week here at the Creation Museum. She is the president of the Washington, D.C.-based group Concerned Women for America, which has over 500,000 members. Her sister Terri and her family live just up Interstate 75 from our museum, and Wendy was in the region to spend time with her sister during Thanksgiving and the following days.


Photo courtesy David Lehman

Wendy told me that just a few days before she came here, arch-evolutionist and vehement anti-creationist Dr. Richard Dawkins conducted a lengthy interview with her in Washington. However, she was not told by the producers of the TV program (from Channel 4 out of England) who the questioner would be, and so, after the cameras and lights had been set up, to her surprise in walked atheist Dawkins! He was, Wendy told us, quite antagonistic, but she hopes her answers about creation and evolution were satisfactory.

CWA, which had me as a guest many times on its national radio program over the years (including when CWA’s founder/president, Beverly LaHaye, was the host), started in 1979. Interestingly, our CCO Mark Looy worked for Beverly LaHaye and her husband Tim as a staff member at their Family Life Seminars ministry in the late ‘70s (while he worked his way through college). So, Mark was there at the beginning of CWA (although not working directly for CWA—he was just down the hall).

CWA is considered to be America’s largest public policy women’s organization. In fact, in 2006 Wendy was named among “The 100 Most Powerful Women of Washington” by the Washingtonian magazine.

This was Wendy’s second visit to the museum—she was here on opening day in late May. Last week, she came with her sister Terri and Terri’s two precocious sons (the five year old knows his square roots very well, and his slightly older brother is a budding creationist astronomer—they appear to be very smart boys).

Although AiG is apolitical and thus is not directly involved in legislative or legal efforts to change laws, we are encouraged to know of prominent Christian leaders who are standing up for biblical truths in this nation, whether it be creation, pro-life issues, or upholding biblical marriage. Please pray for Wendy and the ministry of CWA she is involved in.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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