Dinosaurs in Israel

by Ken Ham on October 9, 2007

Well—not real Dinosaurs. But one of our staff and his family were on vacation in Israel and found an AiG dinosaur booklet. Here is what they said:

“On our trip to Israel, my daughter found this in a tiny Baptist bookstore in Acco, Israel just down from a mosque. Acco is just down from the Lebanese border in N Israel.” [See attached photograph.]

Praise the Lord that AIG resources are spreading around the world.


“I just wanted to thank you so much for your ministry. I heard Carl Kerby speak at my Church back in July… I didn't realize at the time how much his presentation was going to impact my life. Since then I have dove in to the web site and bought Demolishing Strongholds and several other videos. Carl's presentation and these video's, along with the Answers magazine have solidified my foundation of faith beyond what I ever imagined possible. And in sharing this information with others, I find that everyone is very hungry to know more, Christian and non-Christian alike. The AiG ministry has impacted my life so much that the Gospels now are so very real and take on a whole new meaning and the entire Bible has come alive. The Word is ALIVE!!! I absolutely believe you have hit the nail on the head with the problems in the culture today. You are making a BIG difference. Thank you AiG and God Bless you!”

It was so thrilling this past week to receive a letter from a parent with a copy of a “book” written by their seven year old. I’ve included a copy of the letter and a section from the book (with two attached illustrations from the book). You will be blessed by this:

“Dear Mr. Ham,

“We thought you might enjoy reading our 7 year old son’s “book” written after reading our AiG dinosaur books, purchased 2 “kids” ago. We appreciate so much the work you and the staff do there at AiG. We enjoy the website, magazines and various books purchased over the years. Our oldest is in college; one son in 9th grade and our youngest son is in 2nd grade. Home schooling is hard work, but the benefits far outweigh the trials.

“Legends of Nessie by IW

“Page One:

“My name is IW. I am a paleontologist and an oceanographer. The thing I like best about my job is getting to see things other people have not seen in their whole lives. I was in Scotland to study the Loch Ness monster and to see if it is real. I believe that this long-necked creature could be an elasmosaurus.

“We had been searching for about six months, using boats and underwater cameras, as well as underwater sonar. We would also catch fish and attach tiny cameras to them to try to catch a quick look at the monster.

“Early one morning, we got so excited when we saw a little image from one fo the fish-cams which showed a large marine reptile. The next day, one of my crewmembers shouted for us to come quickly up on the deck of our research boat. He has seen the monster leap out of the water and then catch a fish! We were very excited!

“Another day, when we were working on board the boat, we felt something moving underneath, rocking us wildly back and forth.

“Early one morning, I was in the observation tower of the boat, when I saw something that looked like a mountain, only it was moving! It was about one hundred feet away. I then recognized it was a neck, over twenty feet long. This had to be the Loch Ness Monster!”

legends-of-nesie.jpg legends-of-nessie-sub-page.jpg

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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