AiG “gone to the dogs”?

by Ken Ham on September 25, 2007


As part of our continued community support and outreach, the Answers in Genesis Security K-9 Unit is actively involved in area law enforcement and search & rescue K-9 groups.

Every year the Lawrenceburg (Indiana) Police Department sponsors the North American Police Working Dog Association (NAPWDA) regional training and certification, an event that brings in over 80 law enforcement and emergency services K-9 units from all over the country.

After a recent visit to the Creation Museum and seeing our beautiful campus with a lake and woods, they asked if AiG would help sponsor some of the activities for the dogs and handlers, to which we happily agreed.

So, we had K-9 teams from the sheriff’s departments and search & rescue groups from as far away as Iowa, Vermont, South Carolina, Illinois, and our tri-state area of Kentucky, Indiana, and Ohio. These dogs performed tracking work, searches, and the unpleasant task of having the dogs “sniff” for drowning victims (all simulated of course).

Watching these dogs work and seeing what they are capable of doing just exemplifies the amazing creation of God. Our prayers go out to the men and women who perform these dangerous tasks every day around the country and AiG was pleased that we could be part of this important emergency training. See the photographs I’ve included of some of the activities.

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Here is another report showing how AiG is spreading the creation-gospel message around the world—a report from the Philippines from a pastor who has worked closely with AiG’s Dr. David Crandall, Director of AiG’s Worldwide Outreach.

“We just recently returned from Bukidnon Fundamental Baptist Seminary where we had a great week of ministering to the 150+ Bible School students there … Jerry had the privilege of presenting 8 PowerPoint messages to the 150+ students there. His 4 morning messages dealt with Genesis as the foundation of our Faith, Morals, Science, and History. The evening messages dealt with Fossils, Ape Men, Change only within Biblical kinds, and Evidence for a Young earth. Needless to say, the resources and training we received at Creation College have been a tremendous help!“I went into the library to see what kind of Creation Resources they had … among their Creation Science books they have several copies of the Answers Book, and one copy each of One Blood, and The Lie.

“Is your offer to send free books to Bible School libraries still in effect? If so, please send a library set … I do believe these additional resources will be well used.”

We pray many of you will continue to support AiG’s Worldwide Outreach so we can send resources to such needy countries. We also begin our first International Training Conference in a few months, where we bring third-world pastors into AiG for training by speakers and through the Creation Museum.

Mally and I will be traveling to Grace College today for three days of speaking in Indiana.

  1. Grace College, Winona Lake, Wednesday and Thursday
  2. Indianapolis Baptist Temple, Friday evening
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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