The big pig roast at AiG

by Ken Ham on September 22, 2007

As a finale for our staff appreciation week, we wanted to do something special for all the dedicated staff who work so hard at AiG/Creation Museum. I contacted a donor who agreed to fund a staff dinner as this donor's part in encouraging the staff the Lord has brought to us. So we had a pig roast (we had roast beef available also). Around 300 staff and family members were able to attend a great time of fellowship around a meal catered by a local catering firm, Lothers Catering (we also thank Lothers Catering for the special deal they gave us--and the GREAT food).

I have included some photographs taken at the evening--including one of me holding our granddaughter Kylie--I had to put that in! In a Christian ministry, I'm sure many know that our staff often work extra hours to ensure projects get done--they often go the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th mile! They don't see what they do as a job--but a ministry. And many of them could get much higher wages in the secular world--there is much sacrifice--so we believe it is important to reward the staff when we can, such as with this special dinner. Please pray for the staff and all the work they do each day to enable the ministry of AiG to exist. We thank the Lord for bringing these talented staff to the ministry.

ken-w-kylie-9-21-07-163.jpgken-with-card-9-21-07-108.jpg staff-9-21-07-104.jpgpig-cooking-9-21-07-038.jpg SCHOOL VIOLENCE

One of our staff came across this map showing locations of school violence in the USA from 1996 -2006. I thought this was very eye opening and you might like to see it.

Well, it will be another big day at the Creation Museum today. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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