Off to London I go

by Ken Ham on September 7, 2007

I wrapped up my speaking tour of Scotland with a seminar Thursday night in Glasgow (about 300 showed up), and am heading south today to London to catch a flight back to “the Colonies” (as the British sometimes call America). Meanwhile, here is a little of what’s been happening back in the office:

On most Thursday mornings, our AiG staff gets to hear a special guest speaker. Yesterday it was Judy Bowman of Virginia, who shared something about the ministry she founded called Wheel Power Christian Cyclists. To find out more about the ministry's cross-county evangelistic cycling tours (this group is very active in witnessing as it moves from state to state), go to

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Also on Thursday, we had a special couple visit the museum: Jerry and Jacie Coryell, all the way from Albuquerque, New Mexico (pictured below). For 7 years, Jerry was the president of the Creation Science Fellowship of New Mexico. Over the years, Jerry and the CSF have hosted AiG speakers for special events. It is one of the more active creation groups in the country. Jerry works in “computer support” at the well-known Sandia National Labs. Jacie’s visit here was something of a homecoming—she grew up in Kentucky.


To close, here’s an encouraging museum testimonial from a program director for “at risk” young people:

“Answers in Genesis is an indispensable asset to both my students as well as my family.

“In terms of the preservation and support of our nation’s youth, AiG is not only supplying solid answers of the biological past, but also responsible, sound perspectives for this generation’s future.

“My students are all ward-of-the-court recipients, children with tough histories and backgrounds. I have serviced thousands throughout these last 13 years as a teacher and program director. The most incredible phase of contact is not when we finally circumvent all the initial filters and relationship problems to get to the basic respect level needed for creative studies, rather, it is when they are first made aware of their origins, design, purpose and possibilities in life as a ‘God imaged wonderful human being’ and NOT an ‘accidental animalistic purposeless dispensable variable composite.’ Their eyes take on a whole new glimmer.

“Thank you AiG for your established biblical principles, vision, and scope of endurance. Best wishes, don't stop!”


Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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