Skipping around Scotland

by Ken Ham on September 1, 2007

I'm in northern Scotland as I write this (Friday) and may not have the ability to send email reports back to the office to post on the web for maybe a day or two. Let me give you a quick report on Thursday evening’s meeting on the Isle of Lewis (off the northwest coast of Scotland).

The last two evenings I spoke to an almost full auditorium in the town hall of Stornoway. It was thrilling to see quite a number of young people—and to see lots of resources being purchased (and we even ran out of some titles).

One young man came all the way from southern Wales—the trip was paid for by his girlfriend as a birthday present. He had lots of questions but just soaked up the information.

I also spoke to student leaders at the local high school.

Many attendees told me that these Bible-affirming messages are sorely needed.

We then flew to Inverness and visited Loch Ness—no, we didn’t see Nessie! I speak Friday evening in Inverness. (Check out the calendar for the full Scotland itinerary.)

I only have email access on my cell phone right now, so when I can use my laptop again (and not have to “thumb type” on my Blackberry), I will send a more detailed report.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying

(Sent from my Blackberry phone)

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