Canadian families move because of evolution indoctrination

by Ken Ham on August 29, 2007

This is a sad news item reported by There is no doubt: Christians are being marginalized more and more in our once-Christianized West:

“Fifteen Christian families from a tiny community of only about 1,300 people are making plans to leave their homes and work behind so that their children will not be forced by the Canadian government [the province of Quebec, to be specific] to attend ‘sanctioned’ schools where evolution is taught. A report in the Vancouver Sun said provincial officials have threatened the families with legal action, including the potential loss of their children to state control, if they do not abide by the mandatory education curriculum. But leaders of the Mennonite families say they'll leave Quebec before giving up their children to the state indoctrination.”

You can read the entire article at:

You will be reading this blog the day I begin speaking in Scotland. The first two meetings are on the somewhat remote Isle of Lewis at a town called Stornoway. Lewis is off the northwest coast of Scotland—and its inhabitants are very conservative theologically. Last time I was there, it reminded me of walking back into history—a time when public schools taught the Bible, and the students were all respectful and well-behaved. Please pray for the two nights of meetings here … and for the rest of the speaking tour of beautiful Scotland.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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