Preparing for Scotland

by Ken Ham on August 28, 2007

As this item was being posted Tuesday, I had arrived in London to prepare for a speaking tour of one of my favorite places in the world: Scotland (just a few hundred miles to the north). I just hope that with a busy travel schedule I will be able to take in some of the incredible scenery there. Please pray that we can equip many Scottish churches to defend the Christian faith in what was once a country filled with Bible-believing churches.

I want to direct you to yesterday’s main web article, as it shared a little of the life of the late creationist pioneer, Dr. Bolton Davidheiser, whose writing ministry helped me when I first began my speaking ministry in Australia back in the '70s. Please read it if you haven’t yet (and then pray for the Davidheiser family during their time of grief). Here is an excerpt from that web article:

“About 30 years ago, I came across the book Evolution and Christian Faith by Dr. Davidheiser. It was one of those early-on creation books that had a significant influence in those pioneering days of the biblical creationist movement. For me, when we began a creation ministry in my Queensland home, I made sure we imported copies of this book so that we could see them be sold throughout Australia.

“Dr. Davidheiser was certainly one of those pioneers whom God used to help the biblical creation movement grow—and then mature to what it has become today: having a great influence across this nation and around the world.”


About 20-25 years ago, when I was still living in Australia, I would come to America from time to time to conduct speaking tours. On one of those early tours, I was invited to preach at the Sunday evening service of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

I arrived at the church and was introduced to its senior pastor, Dr. D. James Kennedy (of Evangelism Explosion and TV renown). He took me into his vestry, and I’ll never forget the first thing he said to me: “Ken, do you know what a bison is?” And I said, “Well, a buffalo isn’t it?” Dr. Kennedy replied with a small grin, “No, it’s a place to wash your fice (face) in!”

I realized he was making a little fun of my Australian accent (Americans think our a’s sound like i’s). I realized right there that this well-known man of God whom the Lord used to bring evangelistic programs to nations around the world (countless numbers were saved) had a great sense of humor. He is a very down-to-earth person—yet a phenomenal statesman for the Christian faith.

This past week, Dr. Kennedy announced his retirement from his church (he has had some heart problems for the past nine months and has had to slow down quite a bit). A search for a new pastor has started. Please pray for Dr. Kennedy (who was the national honorary chairperson for our Creation Museum project, by the way) and the church during this transitional time.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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