Ken Ham in Geico Caveman Parody

by Ken Ham on August 25, 2007

A good laugh is also considered good medicine. Recently, the Bob Jones University HELP at Home Live Show broadcast on the university’s satellite network (BJ HomeSat) visited the Creation Museum. They not only filmed the museum, but also interviewed me for the program. They also asked me to be involved in a parody of the GEICO caveman commercials. You will really get a laugh when you see this parody.

Ken in BJU Interview

Chris Davies, the Producer/Director of “HELP at Home Live Show” Broadcast on the BJ HomeSat Network sent this report:

HELP at Home Live is a live variety TV show broadcast over Bob Jones University's satellite network, BJ HomeSat. The network broadcasts distance learning curriculum and educational programming 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to homeschool families, churches, and Christian schools across America, Canada and Mexico.

On the HELP at Home Live show we try to expose our viewers to a variety of guests and topics. When we learned of the opening of the Creation Museum this past summer, we immediately thought this was something our viewers would be interested in. In July, our crew visited the museum to shoot footage and tape an interview with Ken for our August show. We were very impressed with what we saw and the warm welcome we received. Ken and his team have done a tremendous job building a state-of-the-art facility that clearly presents the truths of creation and the gospel.

Since our show is a family variety show, we not only try to be informative, but we also like to have a lot of fun. When we knew we were going to be visiting the museum, we had an idea to parody the Geico caveman commercials using the tag line - "Creation: So easy a caveman can get it". We shot some of the footage at the museum and the rest back at our studios.

During our live show this past week, we featured the Creation Museum and aired the footage we shot on our visit in July along with the interview with Ken and the Caveman parody. Since our shows are live, we are able to take calls and e-mails from viewers. Ken was kind enough to join us live via telephone for part of the show so our viewers could ask him questions.

Visit the website for the HELP at Home Live show or the BJ HomeSat Network.

I praise the Lord for the broad range of Christian ministries the Lord brings across our path, so we can all work together to uphold the authority of God’s Word and proclaim the gospel.

Museum Update

Thousands continue to pour into the Creation Museum. We were all wondering what would happen once the Summer vacation time was over and students went back to schools and college. We all knew the numbers attending the Museum would drop (as happens with any Museum, Theme Park, other tourist attraction across the USA)—however, we have been thrilled at the numbers visiting the Museum each day. Yesterday (Friday) 1,500 visited, and midweek we averaged 1,000 per day. Our group bookings desk is booking an average of 20 groups a day right now.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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