Creation Museum “Beyond Expectations”

by Ken Ham on August 14, 2007

I have spoken to many visitors at the Creation Museum who tell us that the museum was beyond their expectations. A friend of an AiG staff member recently wrote a blog on his family’s trip to the Creation Museum—here is an excerpt that appeared under the heading “Beyond Expectations:”

“Perhaps the first impression one gets, and retains throughout, is that of professionalism. A first glance at the exterior of the building also yields an air of intrigue, as it invokes a feeling not unlike the atmosphere generated by the visitor’s center from the original Jurassic Park movie.

“Your second impression is likely to be, ‘This place is popular!’ We visited on a Tuesday, arriving at noon, and saw impressive numbers of people still entering the museum. A staff member commented that the museum does not really get hopping until the weekend. Really? The ticket line moved surprisingly fast in spite of the fact that at least 50 people were ahead of us. They are obviously well staffed, the staff well trained, and, did I mention, professional.

“A third impression a visitor gets is that the place is friendly. Not ‘Disney friendly’ (which I equate to a veneer of friendliness imposed by Marketing), but the staff and volunteers are friendly. They are solicitous of your interests, needs, and impressions. Have a question, just ask a staffer, they really seem to want to help. In fact, consider this gem of customer service planning: Before one enters the ticket line, there is an information desk at which one can ask questions about the museum, tours, prices, and presentation times. When you enter the ticket line, you already know what you want to see, which is probably why the ticket line zooms along.”

You might like to read the rest of this interesting Creation Museum report at:


Recently one member of our Spanish translation team took his family through the Creation Museum. He wrote:

“We spent the entire day in the museum and in the gardens and at that we didn’t come near to seeing it all. [By the way, the planetarium was an excellent experience. I could have sat through several shows and not have gotten my fill of the wonder of God’s creation.]

“We all came away with a desire to see more. It is like my grandson said when he came out of the planetarium: ‘my mouth was open the whole time’. I think that is the way it was with the entire museum...We were also pleasantly surprised by the café. We ate our lunch there and felt that we fully received the value of our money. One lady behind us upon seeing the prices of the meals said that she couldn’t believe that everything was so reasonable since in most other attractions, the mere thought of satisfying your thirst would cost you at the very least $3.00.”

“The story of creation has been told and visitors to the museum cannot leave without making a decision about creation and the creator. The gospel message was clearly presented…You all are special people. Our family is richer for the experience of going through the museum.”

The museum continues to receive secular and Christian media coverage around the world. Please keep praying for many to be reached with the gospel as a result of this special outreach.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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