AiG’s Buddy Davis mourns the loss of his mother

by Ken Ham on August 9, 2007

At 4 a.m. this morning (ET), Buddy and Kay Davis were informed that Buddy’s mother had passed away. This was not unexpected, but nonetheless, it really hits home when a loved one (even a devout Christian) dies. Buddy sent me this note this morning:

Buddy’s Mother
Mom was 83 years old. She would have been 84 on August 13. She was a devout Christian and is responsible for me growing up in a Christian home. She loved gospel music. She also loved to bake and was a wonderful homemaker. She was faithful in supporting Answers in Genesis in her tithe and also her prayers. She was a prayer warrior whenever we were on the road doing ministry. We are joyful that she is with the Lord. We will miss her but look forward to seeing her again in Heaven.

Buddy is scheduled to speak and sing at Gull Lake Bible Conference this coming week. Buddy said,

Mom wouldn’t want me to withdraw from any event where I will be sharing the gospel through song and talks, so after the funeral services this weekend, I will still be fulfilling my commitments at this Bible Conference.

Please pray for Buddy and Kay as they go through this time of grief (yet rejoicing because another warrior for the Lord is in her home in Heaven).

AiG at Gull Lake Bible Conference

AiG will be ministering through talks and song (Buddy Davis) at Gull Lake Bible Conference beginning this Sunday. Mally and I are traveling to Gull Lake, so I can kick the week off on Sunday morning—then the conference continues the rest of the week. For more information on the schedule, go to AiG’s website calendar.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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