Recovering board member finally makes it to museum

by Ken Ham on August 5, 2007

This past Monday, as we were in the lobby and we were blessed to turn around and be greeted by Dr. Mark Jackson and his family. Dr. Jackson is one of our board members who is still recovering from recent open heart surgery. This was a very heart-warming time for us since Dr. Jackson was unable to join the other board members at the Creation Museum for our ribbon cutting ceremony due to his surgery. Mark was accompanied by his lovely wife, two daughters, son-in-law, and grandchildren. jackson-photo.jpg

Mark’s heart has always been for missions, and he has just recently retired from a busy life to travel around the world teaching the gospel and training missionaries and national pastors through Gospel Literature Services. His daughter Sheryl is a missionary and serves as the Head Elementary Teacher at William Carey Academy in Chittagong, Bangladesh. Because of the academic prowess of the academy, there is always a waiting list of children to attend. These Muslim parents want their children to attend so they will receive the quality of education that is not easily available in Bangladesh. What is even more amazing is that the parents understand their children are taught the Bible. With tearful eyes, Sheryl left Answers in Genesis Monday equipped with materials to continue reaching these precious Muslim children for Christ.

Please pray that the message and materials from AiG and the Creation Museum will continue to spread and have an impact worldwide.

Cecil Eggert, Director of Creation Evangelism, AiG–U.S.

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