Answers for life conversion

by Ken Ham on May 9, 2007

My brother Stephen will be coming to the USA in July/August to speak at AiG's Family Camp (he is also speaking with me at a home school conference in Kentucky). Stephen will be speaking on a creation evangelism course he has written called "Answers For Life." He produced this course for a home group study as an outreach to non-Christians. The following is a testimony from the wife of a man who died of cancer two months after he finished the "Answers for Life" course—and he had become a Christian as a result of the course:

I am sure that [my husband] went along to the course to please me, [the pastor] and Stephen. From the first session he was asking difficult questions and always Steve was able to give him biblical answers and initially, I think this surprised him. However, as our time together through the course continued, not only did God work in [my husband], but creation/Christianity began to make sense to him. [He] was not a person to just accept everything, he had to truly believe it and this course not only had the answers but also the conviction that he needed to truly believe that Jesus came into this world for one purpose only, "that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life". I would urge those with non-Christian friends and family to find a way for them to do this course. Losing [him] has broken my heart but knowing that he is with Jesus and is saved for eternity brings comfort and strength that otherwise would not be possible. Again I say, Praise be to God.
AiG will be publishing this course, and, Lord willing, it will be available later this year. We believe it to be a powerful witnessing tool for this age. If you are not registered for AiG's Family Camp, I urge you to consider coming. Not only will there be great teaching, but you will have special times at the Creation Museum (only 30 minutes away).

We also have a guest speaker in from England who is a fantastic teacher to equip us to defend the inerrancy of Scripture. Today we hosted special guests Dr. Andy and Juliette McIntosh from England at AiG (see photograph). Dr. McIntosh is an adjunct speaker for AiG-UK (and he speaks for AiG-U.S. as well). He came to the U.S. on his way to Japan where he will be speaking. Andy and Juliette wanted to see the Creation Museum, since, because of their schedule, they will not be able to be at the opening. They were thrilled with what they saw, even though there is still much to do over the next couple of weeks. I've also included a photograph of the waterfall exhibit in the Palm Plaza area.

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