More media coverage for Creation Museum

by Ken Ham on March 30, 2007

I've attached scans from two (Detroit & Kansas) of a number of newspapers that took up the Lexington Herald-Leader article—only these two papers gave the article a much more positive headline. We continue to receive media enquires on an almost daily basis. Today I did two Christian radio station interviews about the Museum—one live and one recorded. Also, a reporter from one of Cincinnati's major papers came out with a photographer today to do a feature story on some of the Museum staff.

VIDEO NEWS CLIP ON MUSEUM has put up the first of a video series news clips on the Creation Museum. View their first clip.


The latest Answers magazine is flying out the door! This special issue is dedicated to everything you need to know about Noah's Ark and the Flood. This will be one of those "collector" issues (although I think all of them are collector issues). Speakers are finding more people than ever are subscribing at meetings—subscriptions are around 50,000 and climbing quickly! Every time I see a new ANSWERS magazine I can't see how it can be improved on—yet the ANSWERS team did it again! If you have never subscribed to this unique and powerful publication, do it now and get the ARK issue as your first one.


An excited ANSWERS magazine reader writes:

Thank you so much for the Answers Magazine. I have enjoyed reading every issue, and each is better than the last. The April-June2007 issue was exceptionally good; however, in particular, the article "Thinking Outside the Box" by Tim Lovett challenged me the most. It opened my eyes to a whole new way of thinking concerning the construction of the Ark. When I first saw the picture on the front of the magazine, I thought, "Ken Ham has lost his mind" (sorry, Ken). However, after reading that article several times, I was "converted" to this totally new, but sensible design of that Ark. My only question is, "Why didn't we as Christians think of this design before?" I also want to encourage other readers not to approach new ideas with skepticism, as I did, but instead, open your mind to them, and put these ideas to the ultimate test: the Bible. In the case of the "New Ark Concept", every last detail lines up with scripture! May God truly bless you all for your labors.

The book I wrote for young children to help them understand all humans belong to one race and to deal with racism, has been translated into Chinese. I've attached a photograph of the cover—you can find out more about this book and order it from the AiG online bookstore.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying Ken


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