Metal dinosaurs for AiG

by Ken Ham on March 27, 2007

Buddy Davis sent the enclosed photographs to give us a sneak preview of the metal dinosaurs to be used as part of the signage at the Creation Museum.

"Metalosaur" will be transported from Buddy's studio in the next few weeks, reading for the first open day on May 28th.


On Monday, the Creation Museum was the front page story in Lexington's major newspaper, the Herald-Leader. You can view the article online which also has a slide show of photographs, many of which appeared in the newspaper article.

The reporter also interviewed America's leading anti-creationist, Dr. Eugenie Scott. Dr. Scott visited recently with the BBC to interview me and Dr. Jason Lisle. At the time (due to construction) we couldn't give Eugenie a tour (though I invited her back when it is open), but she did get to see the Main Hall, Bookstore, and Planetarium. She did say she was impressed with the professionalism/quality--though she didn't agree with our message of course! It was very interesting to see her comments (or should I say "endorsement"?) in this newspaper article :

But Eugenie Scott, a former University of Kentucky anthropologist who is director of the California-based National Center for Science Education, said the information provided in the museum "is not even close to standard science."
Scott visited the museum recently as part of a British Broadcasting Corp. radio program. Although she didn't get a tour, she saw enough to know that the museum will be professionally done. And, she says, that's worrisome.
There are going to be students coming into the classroom and saying, "I just went to this fancy museum and everything you're telling me is rubbish,"
You can read the entire article at:

By the time you read this, I will be speaking at a luncheon for over 300 Christian Leaders from the Washington, D.C. and surrounding areas. This is a lead up to the May 18-19 AiG Conference to be held in the area (in Virginia).

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying



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