AiG/Creation Museum media coverage

by Ken Ham on January 23, 2007

As well as the Reuters article that appeared in news sources around the world, an article on AiG in relation to our new publicist Larry Ross appeared in the Cincinnati Enquirer newspaper, and a similar news report on Fox 19 Television. The producer for a very well-known television news program called us today in relation to doing a feature story. We expect the media interest to continue to increase as the Museum opening gets closer.


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I have attached a photograph of work being done on one part of the Biblical Authority room. The other photograph shows Dr. David Menton as he moved into his new office at Aig.

Today, many of the leadership of AiG met to discuss various organizational aspects in relation to the Museum. I must admit, there is an increasing number of things I know nothing about! Many people would not know of the enormous complexity in regard to all the things that have to happen before the Museum opens, but I do praise the Lord for the talented professional staff and consultants He has brought to the ministry.

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