A 20th anniversary for creation ministry

by Ken Ham on January 22, 2007

Monday January 22nd, 2007 was the 20th anniversary of when Mally and I and our four children (we now have five as Kristel was born in the USA) moved from Australia to the USA. For seven years I worked with the Institute for Creation Research, and then along with Mark and Renee Looy and Mike and Sue Zovath, we all moved to Kentucky (13 years ago this March) to begin the Answers in Genesis ministry and the Creation Museum.

img085.jpg Mally and I and our children, Mark and Renee and Mike and Sue went to one of our favorite restaurants in the area to celebrate. The photo, taken by Mark on his cell phone (so the quality is not that good) is of Mally and me at the restaurant.

This year is also very special as 2007 will be the year the Creation Museum will open to the public (a vision that goes back over 25 years). May 28 (Memorial Day) will be the first day open to the public.



When I take people to see the Tree of Life under construction on the Creation Walk section of the Creation Museum, all they can say is “WOW.” Have a look at the photograph; this Tree is going to be an attraction in itself.

I have also included the photograph of two (of the many) volunteers (Audra and Jessica) who have been helping getting the 20,000 leaves ready for the Tree of Life. First of all, the 20,000 leaves had to be painted the right green color, then they had to be put into the branches. Next they will each have to be coated with a fire retardant, then they will have to be placed on the tree!


It’s amazing—but ALL THREE Grand Canyon Raft Trips for 2007 have filled! We will be getting ready to advertise the 2008 trips soon. So if you missed out for this year, get ready for the 2008 tours.


The Alaskan Cruise still has some cabins available, but they are filling quickly and the Cruise Ship is expected to totally sell out. For information on how to book with the AiG group on this cruise, go to the cruise event page.


It is great to receive comments like this that commend AiG staff for their Godly attitude:

I would like to commend David Wright for his latest feedback email regarding homosexuality and evolution. It was very well written, in an obvious spirit of grace, which is far too often lacking in discussions of sin, homosexuality, and even creation/evolution. Of course, it was very informative and factual too. I will pray alongside you for the person who wrote to AiG to be touched by the response, but I will also pray that AiG will continue to display such marvelous grace, patience, love, compassion, kindness, and truth in all of your interactions with others (Christian or otherwise). Many blessings to you all.

We’re not perfect, but at AiG we do strive to reflect the fruit of the spirit in all we do and say.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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