A Creation club in a public school

by Ken Ham on December 3, 2006

Guest blog--Carl Kerby, AiG speaker

There is so much going on it's very hard to keep up. I've got a young friend that I wanted to let you know about today. Her name is Samantha. A few months ago she contacted me about a dilemma she was having. She was trying to start a Creation club in her public school and asked my advice. I encouraged her and gave her some ideas. Then it got interesting. The school refused to let them have the club, even though they have other clubs. To make a long story short it took our friends at the Christian Law Association, David Gibbs' fine organization, to get involved and get the school to relent.

Take a look at what she shared with me recently.

Mr. Kerby! Today is a beautiful Friday and I hope you are enjoying it! Last Tuesday we had our first Creation Club. It was so awesome seeing a full classroom. Next year I'm hoping to get the auditorium and more teachers to supervise because there's a number of students who still want to join. I talked about the difference between operational and historical science, and how somebody's views determines how they interpret the facts, where the Bible came from, and the 7 C's for an overview. The principal announced it as the Creation v. Evolution Club, so most the students were expecting equal time for both sides. I'm going to let one of the boys take up the evolution side. We'll let the students see which side really makes more sense. That's not how I thought the club would go but my internal response was something like, "bring on the opposition, God's Word still stands and I'll only get better at defending the Bible."

I had so much fun, just preparing for it got me all fired up. A lot of kids are in there just to cause trouble/start arguments, but some were really eager to learn. Even with all the opposition and questions that were meant to trip me up I had a great time. One kid took notice of my respectfulness and told Derek, the student leader for evolution, that I answered all questions shot at me and bashed nobody, so he better keep his side the same way. I think it will stay pretty clean and civil (some kids were really hoping for a verbal fight). We'll work together to make sure we're at least covering the same topic for our meetings. I really like the teaching, especially on science and Genesis. Teaching biology as an adult is definitely my happy place and I could see myself giving talks outside of school on Creationism. This is kind of like my practice round. The best part is that as a student I can openly express my religious views, teach it, and not have to be "politically correct".

Had a good idea for Christmas. I made a list of all the little answers booklets from AiG and let the club members, Mrs. D, and some students not in the club choose 3 in addition to From Creation to Bethlehem, enough to order in bulk. I think those are going to make a really big impact on the students, and I'm sure that they'll get circulated among their friends. I was glad to see two boys, as well as Mrs. D, choose the one about evangelism. The most popular one was 6 Days or Millions of Years, so even non-Christian teens knows that's a big issue about the Bible's validity.

Yay for the Creation Museum opening up in May! I'm praying for that because if it's on time before summer break, the Creation v. Evolution Club can check it out together. Do you know how much admissions are going to be? My Dad wants to go sometime soon, so hopefully we'll get to stop and see what has already been finished.

Sorry for long e-mails. That's my trademark. I hope you have an awesome day and God bless you. :)

sister in Christ, Sam

Well be sending some Evolution Exposed, various booklets as well as my new book, Remote Control: The Power of Hollywood on Today's Culture to help her reach out to her fellow students. Please pray that she and thousands more of these young folks will stand up and give answers for what they believe.

What an honor to encourage so many folks to get involved in sharing their faith in creative ways such as this.


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God bless you,

Carl Kerby

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