A family recently held a yard sale to raise money for the Creation Museum and witness to people at the same time. The photographs and the following letter we received tell this exciting story:
We just had a 2 day yard sale and wanted all the money we made to go towards the cost of the Creation Museum. Please find enclosed a donation in the amount of $427.60. We had a real nice turnout and had a display with a video monitor of Ken on DVD as well as literature placed out on a small table with a couple other book titles. I’ve included some photos of us and the kids (we didn’t have the presence of mind to take photos of the large groups of people who showed up). We all had a nice time.
Day two, it rained a few hours before we intended to close. Just after we hustled the stuff into the garage, the sun came pouring out through the clouds. We are excited about the museum and thankful for it’s public upholding of the reliability and trustworthiness of God’s Word in the world. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of such an important endeavor.
What a novel idea! Thank you so much for the donation.
Praise the Lord for all those who support AiG. If you want to help finish the Creation Museum (less than $4 million to go now), then go to our online donation page.
The angels in Heaven rejoice, and we at AiG rejoice when we hear testimonies like the following:
When our daughter, Rachel, was in preschool, she first learned of dinosaurs. Even though it was a church preschool all the books had millions of years. I told her no one was alive from back then and they don’t know that. She said she was going to be a paleontologist when she grew up. We weren’t prepared to answer all the questions. On the way home from work my husband heard of AiG while listening to a Christian radio station. We started buying your books and DVDs that taught all of us. This ministry was an answer to prayer-but our biggest blessing was yet to come. I was reading Dinosaurs of Eden to Rachel, when I got to the page that said “everyone should be asking themselves right now where they will spend eternity”, she looked at me and said “I don’t know where.” After explaining we are all sinners and Jesus died for our sins and will forgive us if we ask Him-she began to pray and Jesus became her Savior that night! What a blessing this ministry has been for us. Now, at age 8, Rachel says she will grow up to be a creation paleontologist. We will continue to encourage her with resourced from AiG. Thank you for all you do and may God richly bless the ministry and people at Answers in Genesis.
We have received many testimonies over the year concerning children praying to receive the free gift of salvation after reading A is for Adam and D is for Dinosaur. How about considering a gift of one or both of these gifts for a young child this Christmas? To order, click on one of the book titles.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.