Word of Life Impact Team at AiG

by Ken Ham on October 28, 2006


The "Impact Team" of Word of Life Fellowship sang for the AiG staff on Friday morning. With facilities in upstate New York (Schroon Lake), Florida, and around the world, Word of Life features Bible Institutes, family conference centers, and other outreaches. For more than 16 years, I have spoken at the New York facility (about two hours north of Albany and in a very scenic location), and one time at the Hudson, Florida campus.

WOL offers a concentrated, one-year Bible-study program. You don't have to be a young person to enroll—some retired people have even come out for a year of Bible instruction.

For details, go to www.wol.org. Pray for their safety as they head to Florida this weekend for ministry there (and to warm up!).

Well, it is after midnight in Florida, and I have to get up at 4:30 a.m. to catch a flight to Minnesota! It is going to be a long day. Not long after I get to my destination I speak twice at the Wordview Weekend. Pray for strength.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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