Sean McDowell speaks at AiG

by Ken Ham on August 16, 2006

The AiG staff had the privilege of hearing Sean McDowell, son of apologist Josh McDowell, speak at a special AiG staff meeting. Carl Kerby and I then showed Sean through the Creation Museum. Sean also spoke at Calvary Baptist Wednesday evening.

I've attached a couple of photographs as he spoke this morning.

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It was thrilling to get a response to Answers magazine from Europe:

I must congratulate your production team on the absolutely splendid format of the newly launched "Answers Magazine" which, I feel sure, has a really promising future as an excellent means of communicating the everlasting truths of the Holy Bible.


Don't forget to pray for Mally and I was we travel to Satillo, Mexico, for a Home School Conference. Apparently they are expecting around 1,500 people! I have to speak to them as if they understand me, though I know they are actually listening to a translator doing simultaneous translation! Please pray for this exciting opportunity!


Just before I left for Mexico, I did a radio interview with Columbus, Ohio station WRFD to promote a special Creation Museum fundraiser taking place this Saturday near Columbus (just 2 hours northeast of our AiG offices in N. Kentucky). Bob Burney, the host of a talk show on this Christian station, also asked me about the museum's progress.

AiG supporters Rob and Gina Fill in the Columbus area, their friends and volunteers, and WRFD are co-hosting the "Created to run 7K" event this Saturday morning to benefit the museum. Rob tells me that people can either run or walk. It all starts at 8:07am.

If you live in Ohio, why not join them? It costs $25 to enter -- $30 if you sign up Saturday morning (try to get there by 7:30am, though). You'll enjoy meeting other AiG supporters and also have the satisfaction of helping the museum.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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