AiG in the press

by Ken Ham on August 7, 2006


Well, there have been some interesting headlines around the world based on the AP article on the Creation Museum that appeared recently. News sources all over the world have been printing the article---with all sorts of different headlines, like this one from South Africa:

“Creationist disneyland closes the history books.”

What a bizarre headline. The article from the Sunday Independent then begins:

Like most natural history museums, this one has exhibits showing dinosaurs roaming the Earth. Except here, the giant reptiles share the forest with Adam and Eve.

That, of course, is contradicted by science, but that is the point of the $25 million (R175 million), Creation Museum rising fast in rural Kentucky in the United States.

And then there are those like this media blogger who scoff at AiG and the Creation Museum—but of course they never give detailed scientific understanding of things, just the typical scoffing one expects from those who shake their fist at God:

A New Kind Of Museum: One That Defies All Logic

The Toledo Blade has one of the most... strange stories up I read in a long while. Something that's so un-European that I had to read it a couple of times before being able to finally believe that I wasn't making things up, but that, indeed, there is a new museum in America that takes a slightly-different approach to teaching history.

The museum is a so-called "creation museum". It's completely based on what these people consider to be the only right interpretation of the Bible. The founders of this 'museum' believe that God created the world 6,000 years ago and that dinosaurs walked the earth together with men. I can almost picture it: "REX! HERE BOY, HERE! Don't make me get you!"

The blog also has comments from readers that one has to just pray for scoffers, like the Bible talks about. You might not want to subject yourself to the abuse these people give out!


Creation Museum puts biblical spin on Earth's history”

This was the headline of a very different article about the Creation Museum that appeared in the Toledo (Ohio) Blade newspaper. It also included some good photographs. The article began:

PETERSBURG, Ky. - Steve McConaughy gets goose bumps when he tells people about the Creation Museum. The $26.4-million facility will not open until spring, but the air-traffic controller from Toledo already has made nine pilgrimages to the suburban Cincinnati site. "The first time was in the fall of 2001, when it was just a muddy field with a bulldozer sitting on it," he said with a proud smile. Mr. McConaughy made his ninth visit just nine days ago for a behind-the-scenes tour of the facility with exhibits - including animatronic dinosaurs and a high-tech Special FX theater - that are only 10 percent finished.

The preview was open to Creation Museum charter members and invited guests, so Mr. McConaughy took the opportunity to bring 34 people from the Toledo area who share his belief that the universe was created exactly, literally, word-for-word as the Bible describes it in the Book of Genesis.

You can read the entire article at: The Toledo Blade.


Tonight, the auditorium was packed with people who heard me give an update on the Creation Museum and then give a talk on creation evangelism, which is really what the message of the Creation Museum is used for. People lined up afterwards to talk with me, ask questions and so on. People shared some great testimonies of how the Lord has impacted their lives through the ministry of AiG.

Well, I need to get a good night’s rest, as I speak twice in the morning, then we fly home.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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