One million dollar donation!

by Ken Ham on July 28, 2006

What a day we had! I will tell you more over the next couple of days about the more than 2,700 people who visited for Behind the Scenes. A very special event today occurred involving a family representing a foundation who came to present a check for $1 million for the Creation Museum! This was an unexpected blessing we learned about this past Tuesday. This now means the Lord has provided $22 million for the $25 million project. This means $3 million to go plus the $1.4 million for the expansion of the portico, café, and parking that has to be done because of the number of people expected to come to the museum. The Lord has so encouraged us this week.

The donors of the $1 million wanted to help make the total funding goal considerably closer. Around 75% of the funds raised were given by people who donated an average of around $100. The Lord has used a large number of people giving whatever they could afford and a small number of people with large gifts! What a blessing this has been.

I have enclosed a photograph of a “mock-up check” being given to the AiG leadership. I have also enclosed a photo of the real check! As I spoke to guests in our theater today (I gave my talk six times and we had video feed to overflow rooms), I told them about this gift. As a result, many gave donations that totaled thousands of dollars to help finish the funding for the museum. So many said it was so obvious that the Lord was greatly blessing this ministry of AiG. We give all praise and thanks to the God with whom NOTHING is impossible.

I have also enclosed a photo of some of today’s visitors in the Creation Museum lobby.

BTS-Rebel-1-7-28-06-233.jpg check.jpg BTS-Rebel-1breakfast-7-28-0.jpg

One of the most touching moments today was when a man (with one of his daughters) told me his wife so wanted to visit the Creation Museum for one of the Behind-the-Scenes programs. She had cancer and had been too ill to be able to do that. She passed into the presence of the Lord just a month ago. The husband and his daughter came today to honor their wife and mum’s request! What a special moment it was to be with him and hear this emotional testimony from them. Please pray for this family (there are a number of other children)—they all want to come back when the museum opens.


On Saturday afternoon, I will be doing a book signing at one of the big Christian bookstores in Cincinnati. The news release stated:

Author and popular speaker Ken Ham of the Answers in Genesis ministry will be signing copies of his new book, Genesis of a Legacy: Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly World on July 29th in the Berean Christian Stores in Cincinnati. The event will begin at 2:00 pm at the store located in the Cincinnati Mills Mall. Ken Ham and his brother Steve both came from a home where biblical truth and a foundation of faith were actively encouraged. Each took this important legacy of faith and shared it with their respective families. Now they share this legacy with insight and tips for creating your own family legacy of faith in the new book Genesis of a Legacy: Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly World. This unique guide for godly parenting inspires all readers to create an inheritance of faith for eternity. The book includes a presentation page and convenient legacy cards for you to share your favorite scriptures with family and friends.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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