Answers magazine in the news

by Ken Ham on July 16, 2006

The Cincinnati Enquirer newspaper (the most widely read newspaper in the region) ran a story on Saturday about AiG’s new Answers magazine. The article stated:

The quarterly ($22 for 4 issues) is distributed to 40,000 subscribers and gaining 1,000 to 2,000 subscribers each month, according to the ministry. It's the ministry's latest effort to spread information declaring the accuracy of the Bible, and especially creation as described in Genesis.

"The magazine is yet another tool to get information out that by and large has been censored from the public square and the public schools," said Answers in Genesis co-founder Ken Ham. "Our aim is to see people see God's word, not just creation and the flood, but all of the Bible, as truth. And not just theoretically, but how that truth relates to the real world."

You can read the article at: The Enquirer

We also found out yesterday that the Associated Press picked up this story—which means it could appear in a number of newspapers across the nation, and other places. We have already seen it in a Los Angeles paper. The story quoted AiG’s VP of Media and Marketing:

For 12 years, people have pigeonholed us as an organization that's just involved in creation versus evolution issues," Mason said. "We want to defend the Christian faith against all things that detract from the truth of the Bible. It's not just about the origins of the earth.

You can read the Associated Press article at:

If you have not yet subscribed to this rapidly growing, phenomenal magazine, then I urge you to do so at: Answers magazine.

I had previously put a link to Dr. Werner Gitt’s chapel (Dr. Gitt is an information scientist who was at AiG for a forum this past week), but there was a problem with the encoding. You can now hear Dr. Gitt’s stirring message about how he was able to present the creation gospel in schools, universities and other places in the country of Kazakhstan that has been a communist country---click here to listen.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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