Special guest at AiG

by Ken Ham on June 21, 2006

Dr. David Crandall, director of AiG Worldwide, hosted special guest Dr. Paul Kattupalli for the day. Dr. Paul Kattupalli works at Lincoln Medical Center in New York. Dr. Crandall and Dr. Kattupalli had discussions about getting the AiG message into India, and how to bring Indian pastors to AiG to train them at the Creation Museum and send them back to India with resources so they can reach their people with the creation/gospel message.

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Dr. Crandall has taken the AiG Worldwide outreach to a whole new level—this part of the ministry is “exploding.” We are going to see some phenomenal things happening in this area.

I have included a photograph with Dr. David Crandall, Laura Perrien (Laura is an intern from Cedarville College, working with Dr. Crandall for the summer and part-time until she graduates), Dr. Kattupalli, and myself. I have also attached a photograph of the four of us discussing worldwide ministry/translations in my office.


The group of volunteers from South Carolina and Ohio continues to build bridges for the nature trails. I’ve enclosed a photograph of the floating bridge under construction.



Your new magazine is GREAT!...it sucks you in, to just read a little, and soon you’ve gotten a bunch of awesome TRUTH fed in little bites. My friend is 75-ish and she read in its entirety. I just wanted to give you some kudos.

I had a busy day of meetings today. We spent a few hours going over some of the Creation Museum video scripts—the information is awesome! I can’t wait to see the effect this museum will have on people’s lives.

My brother David and his family arrived back from Washington, DC, today. They are coming with Mally and I to the Columbus homeschool conference beginning this Friday. I will be giving keynotes and workshops over two days and then speaking at the homeschool graduation service.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying!


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