Yellowstone's "Grand Canyon"

by Ken Ham on June 10, 2006

We spent the day (yesterday) touring various places in Yellowstone National Park. We managed to get some unique photos of a beaver. Our hosts Don and Bev Landis (Don is president of our board and the president of Jackson Hole Bible College) said that in 35 years of living in the area and visiting Yellowstone, they had never seen a beaver in the wild at such close range.

The beaver came out of the water very close to where we were standing and "paraded" in front of us! I have included a couple of the many photographs I took.

beaver-walking beaver-swimming Landiss

I also attached a photograph of my brother David, his wife Thelly and son Shane in front of the "Grand Canyon of Yellowstone." The park rangers say that this valley was carved very quickly (a matter of a few days or weeks) at the end of the ice age---of course, they said hundreds of thousands of years ago. However, being carved quickly at the end of the Ice Age that was caused by the Flood, just a few thousand years ago, makes sense.


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