Homeschooler poem on dinosaurs

by Ken Ham on June 9, 2006

This week, we received a poem written by nine-year-old Lee Raymond from New Jersey. He recited this at his homeschool spring concert. There is no doubt Lee understands the basic biblical creation message:

God created the dinosaurs to just eat plants at first
Perhaps the leaves of the oak tree it ate for its dessert
But sin came in and changed the world, a perfect place God made
And brought death to all living things Oh, what a terrible trade.
But I still love the dinosaurs, the ones that stomp and roar.
I sure wish they weren’t extinct and God would make some more.


I call AiG artist Dan Lietha “cartoonist extraordinaire”! Dan can take the numerous points from the AiG speakers and writers and succinctly turn them into cartoon word pictures. Dan’s cartoons have been used in my talks for many years and with great effect in communicating the powerful message the Lord has entrusted us. Truly, Dan’s cartoons illustrate that a “picture is worth a thousand words.” For instance, this one in Dan’s list of top 20 cartoons:


What a powerful message about the gospel this cartoon illustrates.

Well, just to show you that Dan receives his share of opposition as all the speakers and writers at AiG do: he found this quote about his cartoons on the internet:

As for being “unfunny,” I find Dan Lietha’s comics to be a total scream—just not for the reasons he evidently thinks. I know plenty of people who revere Joyce Meyer, Benny Hinn, and even Jack Chick, but I have yet to meet anyone who admits to taking Dan Lietha the tiniest bit seriously.

Well, at least this person is reading Dan’s cartoons, and maybe one day, the message will sink in!


Today Mally and I, and my brother David and his family, are off to visit Yellowstone. We have some of the creation guides to Yellowstone AiG produced recently to use and hand out. If you haven’t purchased a set of the new creation guides to famous landmarks, then I encourage you to do so.

Carl Kerby leaves today to lead a seven-day Grand Canyon rafting trip. I just completed the three-day trip (two days on the river). What a spectacular trip this is and so much to see that overwhelmingly confirms the flood of Noah’s day.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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