Answers magazine ice cream social

by Ken Ham on May 30, 2006

The BIG news item today from AiG was the release to the staff of the inaugural copy of Answers magazine. Most of the staff members met in the Special Effects Theater and were given their first copy of the magazine.

Dale Mason, Vice President of Marketing and Media (the head of the phenomenal team that made this all happen), thanked the staff and showed a video advertising segment produced by our video department. We then moved to Noah’s Café for ice cream and various toppings.

There was no doubt it was a remarkable feat to produce such a high-quality magazine in such a short time. We believe people will be thrilled when they get their copies very soon.

This magazine has another VERY unique aspect—a special website associated with it. In each issue, subscribers will be given a code that enables them to go to where there will be special items for kids, background information, extra articles, technical articles—in fact, all sorts of interesting items.

If you haven’t subscribed, don’t miss out on the inaugural edition of Answers magazine—subscribe now!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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