AiG--UK on television

by Ken Ham on March 20, 2006

Paul Taylor, speaker and writer with AiG–UK, sent me this notice about his appearance on Revelation TV in the UK:

Just for general information—I am appearing on Revelation TV again on Thursday 23rd March, 2006. Revelation TV is a Christian satellite TV channel based in London. I will be on their “World in Focus” program, and the anchor, Howard Conder, will be interviewing me about how untruths are sometimes taught in state school science lessons. The program is at 9:00 p.m. (GMT), and can be viewed on the Internet by live streaming (


Our media and marketing division is now working on editing the video recordings of the various speakers at the Demolishing Strongholds conference. Not only will the video of this powerful conference (designed for high school and college-age youth) be released on DVD, but AiG writers will be compiling a curriculum to go with the series. This will be a wonderful product for this age group. We’ll inform you when it is ready to be released.

As I write this blog tonight (Monday evening), the weather forecast is for a winter storm with snow and ice—and this is for the second day of spring! I had meetings all day today. There is so much going on at the ministry, so many things happening—but that’s exciting.

Thanks for stopping by,


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