Role model for boys?

by Ken Ham on March 15, 2006

One of our supporters recently sponsored a high school debate on the origins issue. AiG’s Dr. Georgia Purdom (a Ph.D. in molecular biology who will officially join the staff full time in June this year), sent this report:

The Weirton, WV event went well. It was exciting to see so many young people and families supportive of a young earth creationist viewpoint.

Apparently I was a good role model for some of the boys that attended. One of the fathers of a student who won a scholarship and participated in the debate told me that some of the boys from his daughter's youth group were there and were very surprised that a woman would know so much about science (or something to that effect). He said they were very impressed. It's funny because I think about being a role model for girls but not for boys.


We receive hundreds of emails each week-here a couple from this week that I thought would be good to include in the blog:

Just got thru listening to Dr. Lisle's DVD on Creation's wonderful......I,also, have Distant Starlight to listen to......The next best thing to having seminars here are the DVDs!!! I am looking forward to my first issue of the magazine!!!

To subscribe to our new Answers magazine, go to: the Answers Bookstore.

I saw the 8 part Ankerberg debate and wanted you to know how much I appreciate you guys. Ken and Jason represented our Lord and the Scriptures well. I hope to buy the series from you guys and look forward to the extra editorial comments provided.

Thanks for stopping by and please, keep praying!


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