AiG is going to Russia

by Ken Ham on March 11, 2006

AiG’s Dr. Terry Mortenson is going to Russia in April for a speaking tour. Terry sent out this prayer request that I would ask you all to pray about as you are able:


Last night I sent my visa application documents to the Russian Embassy by FedEx. Please pray that there won’t be any complications or delays so that I get the passport and visa back before April 13. We depart for England on April 14 for two weeks of ministry and vacation and then I will go on from there for 11 days of ministry in Russia. Thanks.



The AiG conference in Indiana began this evening. Mally and I drove to Indianapolis this afternoon. We met up with Buddy and Kay Davis who will be with us for the whole program through Monday evening.

After the service this evening, an eight-year-old boy came up and said, “Mr Ham, I liked your talk.” He then said, “I dug up shells in our backyard. How could sea shells get there if there wasn’t a flood?” I thought this was a bright-thinking boy who obviously knows the Word of God concerning Noah’s flood.

There will be a total of about 2,500 at the three services (Saturday PM and Sunday AM). Please pray for this conference.


A recent email:

Thank you very much for releasing the Answers DVD videos online! I am going to start telling everyone at my young adults meeting about the videos so they may enjoy them as well. I must’ve watched the first one about three times already! Thank you for your work and your ministry. I read the website updates every day and look forward to each update. I’ll be attending the Creation College over the summer, and I’ll be there as soon as possible once the museum opens!

If you haven’t visited the video on demand section of the website, why not do that and tell your friends about it!


AiG was given a donation of part of a scroll made of animal hide that has a section of Genesis on it. The hide is 300–400 years old and has a very interesting history. It is quite valuable. This scroll section will have a special place in an exhibit in the biblical authority room of the Creation Museum.

Thanks for stopping by,


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