Ocean Springs update

by Ken Ham on March 8, 2006

AiG was blessed to have a special visitor today. Pastor Barnett from Ocean Springs, Mississippi, addressed the staff, and gave testimony as to how AiG’s Katrina outreach has opened some special doors. You can read a short article about Pastor Barnett’s report given today on our website at: Doors opened, hearts softened ….


After beginning our new “video on demand” feature on our website, we were thrilled to receive responses like the following:

I just wanted to thank you for making your resources free. Especially your video online. I am disabled so I don’t have a lot of extra money to spend so your website is so valuable to me and I just wanted to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!


Today the AiG team traveled home from the exciting Modesto, California, conference. Last night, a young boy, who had asked me to pray for him as he had to visit doctors about a serious problem, presented me with a toy kangaroo with a sign around its neck saying “made on the sixth day.” I will put this kangaroo in my office, alongside other gifts children have given me over the years.


Another encouraging email outlining how AiG material is being used in the culture by students:

I just wanted to let Dr. Lisle know that it has been a blessing for my 15 yr. old daughter to use [Dr. Lisle’s] Creation Astronomy DVD as a primary basis for a 10 page paper she is writing. Thanks to him for the resource and Lord willing we look forward to meeting him in Clayton, NC in a few weeks.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying!


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