New York Times reports on Dr. Henry Morris

by Ken Ham on March 4, 2006

The New York Times published an article about the death of Dr. Henry Morris. While I was at a restaurant on Friday, a reporter called me and asked for comments—she accurately printed a couple of my quotes in the article. You can read the whole article at the following link---I have selected sections of the article below:

Henry M. Morris, 87, a Theorist of Creationism, Dies New York Times (United States)

… there were scientific answers to be able to defend the Christian faith and uphold the Bible's account," said Ken Ham, president of Answers in Genesis, a group based in Kentucky.


Henry M. Morris, the father of modern creationism, whose prolific writings sought scientific validation for a literal interpretation of the Bible and provided the intellectual underpinnings for attacks on evolution as an account of world history, died last Saturday in a hospital near San Diego. He was 87.


"It was a groundbreaking work in that he basically, in this culture, in this day and age, showed that there were scientific answers to be able to defend the Christian faith and uphold the Bible's account," said Ken Ham, president of Answers in Genesis, a group based in Kentucky. Mr. Ham said that picking up a copy of the book in Brisbane, Australia, while a graduate student in 1974 was a transformational moment in his own life. "The grass-roots movement you see across America right now, with the school board battles, with the students questioning evolution in colleges, all of that is really in a big part due to the work of Dr. Henry Morris," Mr. Ham said. "All of us in the modern creationism movement today would say we stand on his shoulders."


Eugenie C. Scott, director of the National Center for Science Education, the leading defender of teaching evolution in public schools, said Dr. Morris's books "have no scientific merit." She said he was "the most important creationist of the 20th century, much more so than William Jennings Bryan." She recalled his "cordial, gentlemanly" manner when he invited her to lunch at his Santee research center a few years ago.


Dr. David Crandall (Director of AiG--WorldWide) leaves on Saturday for his first AiG international trip. This journey will take him to Bangkok and Chiang Mai, Thailand and then on to Phnom Penh, Cambodia. He will represent AiG and AiG WorldWide to Seminary leaders and national Pastors from all across Asia. Please pray for him as he travels and meets many different Christian leaders.

MODESTO CONFERENCE This morning I fly out of San Diego to go to Modesto, CA for the AiG conference Sunday–Tuesday. For further information, link to: Modesto Conference.

Thanks for stopping by and keep praying!


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