Dr. Henry Morris memorial service

by Ken Ham on March 2, 2006

This afternoon, Mally and I, along with three of AiG's board members and Mark Looy, attended the special memorial service for Dr. Henry Morris held in San Diego (El Cajon). What a great man of God Dr. Henry Morris was! It was thrilling to hear aspects of his life we had not heard before. I also had the opportunity of giving testimony as to how Dr. Morris influenced my life for a video ICR is producing about Dr. Morris's life. After the celebration service, we met up with a lot of old friends and colleagues. Rather than give you details here, I would recommmed you read Mark Looy's article posted on AiG's website: He followed God’s decrees till the end.

On Friday we are going to visit friends and have a bit of a rest day before I fly to Modesto to begin three days of intensive ministry.

Thanks for praying,

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