Back in Kentucky

by Ken Ham on August 25, 2005


Now that I'm home and located the items I needed to download photos from my camera, I have included three photographs of the AiG conference in Georgia. One shows the hundreds of children who attended the K-6 School Asssembly Monday morning. Another shows Buddy Davis at the end of the children's school assembly delighting children with his dinosaur puppett named 'Levi'. The third photograph shows part of the crowd (not inlcuding the overflow) who attended the evening sessions.

While in Georgia, Buddy Davis and myself spent time working on a new children's book we hope to see published early next year--I will tell you more about this exciting project when we have finalized it.

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It is thrilling to receive email feedback each day concerning the way the Lord is using AiG. It is particularly exciting to receive email feedback during a conference from someone who attended the conference and was reading my BLOGS each day. The following email arrived while the Georgia conference was still underway:

I attended the Sunday (8-21) evening service @ Prince Ave. I've looked forward to it for 3 months. I was not let down! I apologize for being a chicken and not speaking to you (Mr. Ham). You are very approachable and I know you walk with God!

I stumbled across the website back in April and ordered the "Answers Book". Funny how the things God revealed to me through my work as a Forester were in that book! Last nite Coach Mark Richt asked the 2nd to last question," How do I handle my friend when he says he is a Christian, but doesn't believe everything Jesus says?" That was exactly the "?" I wanted to ask. I got the answer I have had on the tip of my tongue for months,"How can you believe in the Risen Lord if you can't believe all of the Bible." I've got some preparing to do. I've got to be ready to answer correctly and concisely the questions my boss will throw at me. He says he is a Christian, but that the Bible is just a "Good book". Which he, like most, has read very little of, maybe no more than on the occassional Sunday Morning Service he attends.

Thank you Ken Ham, and AiG Staff for bringing the evidence of Observable science to light that God is God, and there is nothing else. Alex'


Well, despite my reluctance to fly on a small commuter airline, all the flights went smoothly today. A number of our staff do travel extensively during the year, so we do value your prayers for traveling mercies.


After I arrived home, I met up with some Aussie visitors, Pastor Alan Cosgrove and his wife Sue. Alan is a pastor of a church in the Newcastle area north of Sydney. Thirty years ago this year, the very first ever public talk I gave on creation was given in a church in Brisbane where Alan was the pastor--so there is an interesting AiG history connection. Pastor Cosgrove will be bringing a devotion to the staff on Thursday morning in the special effects theatre.


A reporter from the Los Angeles Times called me today to veryify that an article she has written on dinosaurs, creation, the Creation Museum etc. will be published soon. She wanted to verify some information about the animatronic children and dinosaurs in the Lobby. This reporter called me quite some time ago for a extensive interview. We will let you know when the article is published.

Thursday will be a day of meetings catching up on things after having been away.

Thanks for stopping by


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